Tuesday, December 14, 2010

High Deductible Help

Health Care costs are increasing, the economy is not turning around quick enough - what are employers doing about health insurance ? Some are reducing benefits by putting in higher co-pays or large deductibles (some are doing both!). If there is substantial cost savings by doing this, a company may give back some of the savings by "funding" all or part of the large deductible in an H S A (health savings account) or an HRA (health reimbursement arrangement). Another option is to offer a voluntary set of benefits to employees designed to offset these larger potential expenses. Recently I was interviewed on this exact topic. Read more here.

Steve Blewitt, GBA Vice President of IFS Benefits Steve is licensed in Life and Health in many states. Steve is actively involved in the National Association of Health Underwriters, National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors, Delaware Society of Human Resource Management, Associated Builders and Contractors of Delaware, Delaware Contractors Association, Delaware State Chamber of Commerce, and New Castle County Chamber of Commerce.